Friday, May 22, 2020

Lockdown Diary

We were learning about how to write about the lockdown that happened because of covid-19. Our teachers gave us a diary to work on throughout the lockdown. I found it hard to find words to use but I got through it. I enjoyed writing about the the pizza slide because I had everything listed in my head. I found it easy to write the steps of making the pizza because I have pizza all the time. Next time 
I know to write more and not get distracted.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Collage Creation

We were learning to  use texture on a google drawing and create an extinct animal. I really enjoyed making a tiger and using shapes to create it. I found it easy to find the background because it was the best one and the first. I found it hard to make a good size for every shape. Next time I need to make better sizes for everything.