Friday, October 30, 2020

What is media


We were learning to  create a poster about what is media. Media is things like newspaper, radio, TV and social apps which convey info and ideas to the public. Media can be basically anywhere really. Media can be expressed in many ways.

I found it easy to find the right images for this activity. I also found it easy what different types of media meant and which pictures to insert.

I found it hard to choose what I really wanted my media to be because I used a lot in the last 24 hours. I also found it hard to find the right poster because a lot of them came as movie posters.

Next time I need to use less media in 24 hours so I don't have to pick and choose my favourites.

Reading DLO


We were learning to create a DLO to teach people about a Non-fiction book. I learnt that drones can be used in many different ways. Like people can use them to take photos, film videos, and some people use them as toys.

I found it easy to search the right images. I also found it easy to choose the non-fiction story that I wanted to create this DLO about. 

I found it hard to draw the sketch of the drone because I don't draw drones very often. I also found it hard to choose the one thing that I was teaching people.

I enjoyed creating this DLO because I liked learning about something that I didn't know about before. I also enjoyed this because  I would like to know how to use a drone some day.

Next time I need to know more about drones so I can write more in this DLO. I also need to add more detail so it looks better.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Online Conversation


An Online Conversation

              We were learning to create a book on Book Creator and start an online conversation with someone. We were also learning to notice what good conversations need and what bad conversations have. Good conversations have questions so the conversation keeps going. 

I found it easy to create audios for this book because I  knew what I was going to say. I also found it easy insert backgrounds and emojis. 

I found it hard to tell my partner what to say. I found it hard to get different fonts. It was hard insert images because this is not like Google slides. 

I enjoyed discovering this new website because its very unique and fun. I enjoyed exploring this website with my partner because it was fun when we had little fails and huge giggles.

Next time I need to add more panels so I can have talking and better detail.