Thursday, December 9, 2021

Decorate A Christmas Tree


We were learning to write what we were thankful for this year and write it into the box. Next, we had to decorate the Christmas tree on the left-hand side. Using a wide variety of ornaments with letters or just plain colours, lights, tinsel, holly, and different stars.

I found it easy to choose what I was thankful for this year because our year six camp didn't happen too long ago. Therefore I remember our teachers telling us that had been struggling to find something for us to do.

I found it hard to decide how I should have ended my message because I'm not great at wrapping up short messages like this one. 

I really enjoyed selecting which decorations I placed on my Christmas tree because one of my favourite things to do is decorating. There was a wide selection of decoration to place on my tree, and I chose red and yellow lights, three huge ornaments, and one bright yellow star.